The number of cyber-attacks around the world exploded in 2020: exploiting the Covid-19 pandemic as an opportunity for cybercriminals to take advantage of the shift in focus towards smart working and hospital staff transferred to the frontline.
The EU Cybersecurity Act revamps and strengthens the EU Agency for cybersecurity (ENISA) and establishes an EU-wide cybersecurity certification framework for digital products, services and processes. A new mandate for ENISA ENISA, the EU Agency for cybersecurity, is now stronger. The EU Cybersecurity Act grants a permanent mandate to the agency, more resources and new tasks. In particular, ENISA will have a key role in setting up and maintaining the European cybersecurity certification framework by preparing the technical ground for specific certification schemes and informing the public on the certification schemes as well as the issued certificates through a dedicated website. ENISA is also mandated to increase operational cooperation at EU level, helping EU Member States who would request it to handle cybersecurity incidents, and supporting the coordination of the EU in case of large-scale cross borders cyber-attacks and crises. This task builds on ENISA’s role as secretariat of the national Computer Security Incidents Response Teams (CSIRTs) Network, established by the Directive on security of network and information systems (NIS Directive).