05 January 2022

ENISA carries out diverse actions aimed at supporting EU national authorities in enhancing their capabilities when it comes to implementing and assessing their national cybersecurity strategies (NCSS). 

NCAF Tool: National Capabilities Assessment Framework

One such action is the National Capabilities Assessment Framework (NCAF tool), December 2020, as a methodology for Member States to use when evaluating their cybersecurity capabilities and measuring their maturity at national level by assessing the goals and objectives of their national cybersecurity strategies. 

Using the NCAF Tool helps policymakers, experts and government officials responsible for or involved in the designing, implementing and evaluating their National Cybersecurity Strategy by easing and speeding up this process while saving time and resources. The value of doing so means Member States can increase their awareness on cybersecurity maturity, pinpoint areas for improvement and further develop capabilities at national level. 

Creating a a European Information Hub on Cybersecurity

Another important action is the development of a European Information Hub framework, which is intended to become a one-stop-shop for cybersecurity information, directly accessible by the public. The driver behind the hub is further boosting Europe’s cyber resilience by providing information and knowledge to interested stakeholders in a timely and user-friendly manner. 

The hub will also serve as an awareness-raising tool for European citizens, businesses and public-sector officials in accessing relevant information on cybersecurity.

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